Monday 28 January 2008

Surveying in DEEPest Netherlands

Mobilised a very nice little survey vessel down near Helmond in southern Holland. The vessel has a very easy to deploy swing into place bow mount system mounted with an SEA SWATHplus 468kHz bathymetric sidescan sonar and a Valeport miniSVS sound velocity meter. Positioning is with an RTK systems, and heading/motion sensing using an IXSEA Octans.

QinSy is being used to acquire the swath data and it is working very well. This will be my first full survey using QinSy as the sole acquisition for SWATHplus so it is going to be interesting. The first learning curve is adapting the single multibeam calibration tools to works for a dual head interferometric sonar. SOme early lesson are to give QinSy around the same number of data points as it would expect from a multibeam if you want to process the data fast. We are collecting more points though for more thorough analysis and mapping when a grunt machine is available for processing.

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