Friday, 28 March 2008

Oceanology 08 + dock survey

March 10th to 13th - Oceanology 08, Excel Centre, London

The premier offshore exhibition, a good chance to catch up with old friends and rivals and do some competition bashing and catch up on the gossip, maybe create some. A bit jaded as 3rd week away from home, each week in a different country. The jet lag from California got to me so a very quite conference. But at least I was boat based, running and SEA SWATHplus system with a CODA Octopus F180 position/motion system. Demos were done on the Wessex Explorer, shame the docks are about the worst environment for sonar data collection, the bottom is mush and did not give good returns.

March 26th -EGS Connaught Tunnel Survey, Royal Victoria Dock, London. Day geophysical survey close to the Excel centre and London City Airport using the Wessex Explorer.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

USGS Santa Cruz

March 3rd-7th - USGS, Santa Cruz, California

Amazing flight over Greenland to Santa Cruz for a weeks training with the USGS. These guys are like family to me, having done a few cruises with them a few years back. The importance and prominance of the music system, XM radio and big sub woofers rock and can act as a back up sub bottom profiler energy source.